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首頁 > 音樂與影片(DVD)> 電影> 歐美電影
  • 發音:英語發音
  • 字幕:中文字幕
  • 碟數:1
  • 集數:全集
  • 介質:DVD
  • 包裝:全新盒裝
  • 運費:NT$150
  • 運送方式:貨到付款
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沼澤地傳奇的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
  The film, which claims to be a true story, sets out to detail the existence of the \"Fouke Monster\", a bigfoot-like creature that has reportedly been seen by residents of a small Arkansas community since the 1950s. It is described as having a foul odor, completely covered in reddish-brown hair and having 3 toes and also known by leaving tracks found in beanfields.
  Several locals from the small town of Fouke, Arkansas recall their stories, often appearing as themselves, claiming that the creature has killed several large hogs as well as other animals. In one scene, a kitten is shown as having been \"scared to death\" by the creature. The narrator informs us that while people have shot at the creature in the past, it has always managed to escape. In another scene, hunters attempt to pursue the creature with dogs, but the dogs refuse to give chase. A police constable states that while driving home one night, the creature suddenly ran across the road in front of him.
  In a later sequence, culled from the actual newspaper accounts inspiring the film, the creature is shown menacing a family in a remote country house. After being fired upon, the creature attacks, sending one family member to the hospital.

