Easy MoneyDVD,萬視通DVD專賣店-www.rutenmall.com
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Easy MoneyDVD,萬視通DVD專賣店-www.rutenmall.com

首頁 > 音樂與影片(DVD)> 電影> 歐美電影
電影【Easy Money】1936年
  • 發音:英語發音
  • 字幕:無字幕
  • 碟數:1
  • 集數:全集
  • 介質:DVD
  • 包裝:全新盒裝
  • 運費:NT$150
  • 運送方式:貨到付款
  • 拍賣檔案
  • 問與答(0)

Easy Money的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
  Dan Adams resigns his position as prosecutor on the district attorney\'s staff and sets out to clean up a gang of fake-accident racketeers. He gets a job with an insurance company, and assures the company president he will get the goods on the gang or die in the attempt. At the company offices, he meets Carol Carter and she, believing he is a shyster (possibly redundant) lawyer in the employ of the racketeers gives him as little help as possible. Dan visits his brother Eddie, who is mixed up with the gang and tries to make him break away. Eddie is belligerent but finally, because of the pressure brought by Dan and his wife Tonia, agrees to go straight. The gang, led by \"Duke\" Trotti, fears he will squeal and they kill him, plus they make his death look like an accident and plan to collect on it. Dan is closing in on the gang when Carol, who is now his assistant, comes up with some conclusive evidence, but \"Duke\" has plans to get rid of her before she can give the information to Dan.—Les Adams

